
Showing posts from October, 2010

Young Green Coconut Water can prevent H1N1...

Former associate professor of ecology at University Malaya has authored several books on complementary therapy called, 'Ecological Healing System'. Dr Palaniappan said his 33 years of research had shown that high acidity in the body resulted in loss of immunity, thus making people more susceptible to viral diseases like Influenza A (H1N1). Hence, to prevent acidity, it was essential to consume alkaline food and drinks that could neutralize excess acid in the body. Dr Palaniappan recommends coconut water, which is alkaline, and therefore could be used as a herbal medicine for the prevention of H1N1. For example, he said, those who felt feverish and developed a burning sensation while attending to a call of nature because of extreme acidity, could neutralize it by //drinking coconut water, twice a day, for three days//. He also recommended orange, lemon and pomelo which, despite containing citric acid, were very rich in potassium and therefore, would not disturb the body's im...

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What is Fruitarianism

Fruitarianism is a nutrition system and a life style. The fruitarian diet consists of RAW fruit and seeds ONLY! Examples of fruits are: Pineapple, mango, banana, avocado, apple, melon, orange, etc., all kinds of berries, and the vegetable fruits such as tomato, cucumber, olives; and dried fruits such as nuts, hazelnuts, cashews, chestnuts, etc.. And seeds including sprouted seeds. Fruit is a LIVE food ! Fruit, has "the power and magic of life" … Fruit nutrition is a very simple concept … from fruit alone, the human body has evolved to produce everything else it needs to stay energetically alive for more than 100 years …