CLICK PRODUCTS ABOVE FOR MORE INFORMATION AND SHOPPING "When Health is Vital, Wisdom Can Reveal itself, Art Can Manifest, Strength Can Be Exerted Wealth Manifests Effortlessly And Reason is Powerful" The Side Effects of Wheatgrass questions are always going to pop up when considering taking wheatgrass for the first time, your forever getting sick and you have had enough of it, you have heard about the benefits of wheatgrass and the amazing results it can have on your health and it’s time to dig a bit deeper and find out about wheatgrass side effects. When it comes down to it all wheatgrass is, is exactly that, grass, animals eat grass all the time, why are salads healthy and fresh? Because lettuce is also a type of grass. Wheatgrass side effects are pretty mild, but in my mind I wouldn’t call them side effects, wheatgrass is a way of detoxing so when you first take anything like that the body isn’t going to feel the best as it is trying to flush out all ...
Showing posts from 2010
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Living Foods Lifestyle: Why Living Foods? Ann Wigmore developed the Living Foods Lifestyle® to overcome disease and improve the quality of life. She believed that there are two main causes of disease: deficiency and toxemia. Deficiency means that our bodies are undernourished because we cannot get the nutrients we need from undigestble cooked food. Toxemia is a term used to describe poisons that are stored in the body. These toxins are formed from eating unnatural, processed, and pesticide-tainted foods, as well as through destructive emotions and stress. Living Foods, which are easy to digest and rich in nutrients, combat this deficiency. The Living Foods Lifestyle® also addresses the problem of toxemia: when the body isn't using all its energy to digest food, it can turn...
Shocking Discovery for Joint Relief
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Shocking Discovery for Joint Relief (Cambridge, MA) - Millions of Americans suffer with joint health issues. Every movement your body makes puts pressure on your joints. Over time this wear and tear can lead to discomfort, inflammation, and sometimes more serious issues. Your joints age over time and like the rest of your body, they require comfort and support. For many years, few options have been available for those with joint discomfort. Those with low to moderate joint discomfort have had access to low-end supplements such as Glucosamine and Chondroitin for quite some time, but these fail to provide the relief and support that many desire. However, a breakthrough discovery is changing everything. Researchers in Cambridge, MA have discovered a new compound of all-natural ingredients that promises to relieve joint discomfort, improve mobility, and in some cases protect the actual joints themselves. The new proprietary formula, branded un...
The Better Grass Man
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Amazing grass and green superfood are the only greens products I recomend. After years of trying endless health supplements, I found Amazing Grass. Upon opening my first bottle it was immediately apparent that this product was different. The rich dark color and fresh scent of the wheat grass was beyond impressive, I have never seen any greens that looks similar, I love the taste and health results I get from using the Amazing grass.
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Founded by Peter H. Haller, The Well Dressed Window Design & Installation Services is located in Bethlehem, PA. Peter is dedicated to giving the highest value in product, coupled with the best service in the window covering industry. The Well Dressed Window Design & Installation Services provides everything from top-notch shades and blinds you can lift with one finger colors, styles and fabrics. Through commitment, experience, and expertise The Well Dressed Window has established a business relationship with customers that will last a lifetime! The reason our work is known nation-wide is because we offer quality for those who demand excellence. We invite you to step into the world of WDW, view our beautiful design photographs and see how our design work will spoil your demand for excellence. The Well Dressed Window Design And Installation Service Will accurately Measure, the area’s intended for window treatments and coverings. We then provide those measurements to you...
Carnitine and Thyroid Disease: Why Hyperthyroid Patients Need Carnitine - Life Extension
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Carnitine and Thyroid Disease Why Hyperthyroid Patients Need Carnitine By Julius G. Goepp, MD Seasons greetings everyone, My name is Peter Haller and my blog today deals with subject matter that I can easily relate to. The Issue of Thyroid overactivity aka Hyperthyroidism and the dreaded Thyroid Strom is just what the name inplys a storm. I hope this information can assist anyone who may experiencing the adverse effects Do you have unexplained weight loss, brittle bones (osteoporosis), difficulty sleeping, and muscle weakness? If so, you may be suffering from hyperthyroidism, a serious medical condition characterized by an overactive thyroid gland. One of the most feared complications of undiagnosed and untreated hyperthyroidism is the dreaded thyroid storm—a medical emergency characterized by a racing heart beat and sky-high blood pressure. Recently, a team of scientists discovered that the nutrient L-carnitine can play an important role in treating thyroid disease, including the pot...
World Without Cancer - The Story Of Vitamin B 17 - G Edward Griffin
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Young Green Coconut Water can prevent H1N1...
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Former associate professor of ecology at University Malaya has authored several books on complementary therapy called, 'Ecological Healing System'. Dr Palaniappan said his 33 years of research had shown that high acidity in the body resulted in loss of immunity, thus making people more susceptible to viral diseases like Influenza A (H1N1). Hence, to prevent acidity, it was essential to consume alkaline food and drinks that could neutralize excess acid in the body. Dr Palaniappan recommends coconut water, which is alkaline, and therefore could be used as a herbal medicine for the prevention of H1N1. For example, he said, those who felt feverish and developed a burning sensation while attending to a call of nature because of extreme acidity, could neutralize it by //drinking coconut water, twice a day, for three days//. He also recommended orange, lemon and pomelo which, despite containing citric acid, were very rich in potassium and therefore, would not disturb the body's im...
What is Fruitarianism
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Fruitarianism is a nutrition system and a life style. The fruitarian diet consists of RAW fruit and seeds ONLY! Examples of fruits are: Pineapple, mango, banana, avocado, apple, melon, orange, etc., all kinds of berries, and the vegetable fruits such as tomato, cucumber, olives; and dried fruits such as nuts, hazelnuts, cashews, chestnuts, etc.. And seeds including sprouted seeds. Fruit is a LIVE food ! Fruit, has "the power and magic of life" … Fruit nutrition is a very simple concept … from fruit alone, the human body has evolved to produce everything else it needs to stay energetically alive for more than 100 years …
Enjoying an active sex life is essential to our wellbeing
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Forget the potential side effects and dangers of Viagra, and other blood pressure medications that can do some real damage to your health. When it comes to making Love, or just having Sex we all want know we can be ready and available to and for our partners, But is having an erection that lasts could last for up to four hours really worth it? First if the connection is only from the level of lust, go ahead and indulge in it, but like Chinese food, you'll only be hungry an hour later. Great sex starts in the the deeper levels of your being and the orgasms are just the icing on the cake. A lasting Love affair can last a life time while sex will only last moments. So stay healthy, drink good water and when it come to The foods we eat you'll discover they play a large role in ensuring we feel in the mood. Some of the foods that help turn us on include: Pumpkin Seeds Pumpkin seeds are one of the few foods that contain zinc, which is vital for testosterone production in men. A defi...
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I've got a pretty incredible story to share with you today... If your health, or the health of someone near and dear to you has been a concern then check out the "7 Ancient Health Secrets" here: Here's the story in a nutshell: Kacper's family used to be riddled with health problems such as cancer, asthma, allergies and chronic pain... Today none of these things bother his family any longer due to this simple and extremely powerful wisdom they were able to implement into their lives. Find out how they did it... Here's the link : Truly Caring for Your Success!
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"Forgiveness will never fail to free you." How do we forgive when we’re angry and hurt? As a first step, we can be willing to truly feel our anger and hurt. Honoring our feelings by being fully present with them helps to release the feelings themselves. And it helps to remember that people only hurt others when they themselves are in pain. When we can recognize the other person’s suffering, our heart can open in compassion. We can also remember that at some time or another, we too have hurt someone through our own unskillful action. Only love can heal the rifts caused by a hurtful deed. Forgiveness holds immense power because it mends separation. It moves us towards the unity and love that lie at the core of our being. It is a fundamental part of the healing process. "Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future."
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Pozitive Energy - Energy Booster metal detoxification ONLY $17.95 240 sprays per bottle Wake up the stored energy in your body! Rather than relying on heavy doses of caffeine or sugar to wake you up, Pozitive Energy contains an arsenal of B Vitamins and other natural ingredients to kick-start your body. B Vitamins are co-factors in the creation of your body's ATP molecules. These ATP molecules actually store your body's energy. When you pump a few sprays of Pozitive Energy into your mouth, Pozitive Energy boosts your cell energy and improves your nerve transmission. 30 Servings Per bottle Other ingredients in Pozitive Energy include Taurine, Yerba Mate, Pyruvate, Green Tea, and Ginseng. These ingredients quicken your mental alertness, increase your physical endurance, and magnify your reaction speed. The convenience of Pozitive Energy's small spray bottle enables you to carry it to the golf course, gym, shopping mall, or anywhere you might need a quick energy boost. The...
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Hi there! I have been observing some major shifting going both energetically and physically for our world :) Energetically I have been helping in a movement to cleanse all the thought-based pollution out of this world, and that project is going fabulously well! The mental plane of this planet is clearing rapidly and this means it is easier for you to connect and stay connected to your Higher Self. Also you will find it is easier to think positive, beautiful happy thoughts :) So please conscientiously do this! The more you keep your mind filled with beauty the better! I have more to say about this toward the end of this email, for Victory is Near :) ~~~ Bodily Changes Tiredness There are many rapid changes occurring to your body right now, so if you feel unusually tired this can be a good thing, as long as you are eating and sleeping properly. Dizziness If you find yourself slightly dizzy or light-headed, and you are eating properly, this is also a sign of the physical changes occurrin...
Chlorella the most potent nutritional whole food on Earth
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If you are looking for a supplement to maintain overall health with additional cleansing properties, Chlorella is a useful & cost effective addition to your nutritional programme. Recognised as one of the most potent nutritional whole foods on Earth, Chlorella is a scientifically proven health aid Just some of the health benefits you will enjoy: * Your immune system will be greatly enhanced * Friendly bacteria growth is encouraged supporting your digestion * Proven to remove heavy metals & toxins from your body * Helps to keep your body alkaline – essential for good health * Antiviral properties help to protect you from infection * Broad spectrum nutrition that boosts your energy * Chlorella will support weight loss if you are dieting * A natural deodorant, Chlorella helps to freshen your breath * A good bowel cleansing agent that improves the overall digestive track Chlorella contains a wealth of important nutrients; * Known as the richest natural source of chlorophyll – deep ...
Stay healthy look and feel younger
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Want to stay healthy and look younger? Drink pure water and avoid fluorides at all costs - here's how and why. Ever since the 1960s, Japanese scientists have been redefining what good water means. Today, if you ask any of an estimated 300,000 Japanese how they spell good water, they'll tell you it's Microwater because they use it in their homes every day. Microwater is a new technology for filtering and enhancing the quality of water by making the size of water molecules smaller. It's already a $700 million a year industry in Japan and it is now being introduced to the U.S. under the "Ange" label with an impressive roster of health claims. Here's how it works. The Microwater unit, hooked up to a faucet, uses a carbon-activated filter to remove impurities from the water (including chlorine, fluoride, and trihalomethanines). Then it injects a small electrical charge into the water which separates the water into two kinds. Flowing out of one tube there is an ...