Hi there!
I have been observing some major shifting going both energetically and physically for our world :)
Energetically I have been helping in a movement to cleanse all the thought-based pollution out of this world, and that project is going fabulously well!
The mental plane of this planet is clearing rapidly and this means it is easier for you to connect and stay connected to your Higher Self.
Also you will find it is easier to think positive, beautiful happy thoughts :)
So please conscientiously do this!
The more you keep your mind filled with beauty the better!
I have more to say about this toward the end of this email, for Victory is Near :)
Bodily Changes
There are many rapid changes occurring to your body right now, so if you feel unusually tired this can be a good thing, as long as you are eating and sleeping properly.
If you find yourself slightly dizzy or light-headed, and you are eating properly, this is also a sign of the physical changes occurring within your body.
Political and Economic Shifts
I have been observing the continued push of the good people within the various governments of the world toward a new social and economic structure.
This movement is going amazingly well!
I expect wonderful governmental and economic shifts to occur in the near future, but the good people in all the governments of the world could use your loving support.
It would be good if you can send your positive, loving vibrations to all those good people within the various social, economic, and political structures of this planet so that they will more quickly succeed in helping us to re-arrange the way human life is lived on this planet.
Again I am only suggesting that you send your beautiful thoughts to the people within the governments who have good intentions and are thus pleasant to tune into.
You may not know their names, but there are ever-increasing numbers of people who only want the best for you and this world who are operating within the governmental and economic structures of this world.
Please send them your support!
Cast Your Vote
Your loving thoughts are very powerful.
For this is how you cast your vote as to what happens in this world.
Every thought you think is a vote cast in favor of whatever you are thinking about.
So only think about things that you actually want in your life!
Each time you send positive loving energies to the good people in all the world governments, you are casting your vote in favor of the Golden Age of happiness that you are destined for.
You can bring about that which you want for your life far faster by casting your vote in favor of your Divine Future with every thought you think.
So please think right now of the optimal future that you can envision for this planet and for your own personal life.
Really, I mean it :) Now is the time to create your future :)
Envision this optimal future now, if you want it to happen soon!
Then imagine what this future vision will FEEL like.
How will it FEEL to live in a world where money is no longer an issue?
How will it FEEL to live in a world where all technology is in harmony with the planet herself?
How will it FEEL to not have to work more than 2 hours a day?
Please adjust my questions to your own personal vision of the future, and feel your future as if it were happening now
This is one way you can cast your vote in favor of a perfectly wonderful future for yourself and everyone else.
Remote Healing Codings for This Time Period
Based on my observations of the present and near-future fluctuations in the energetic and physical state of our planet, I can recommend some of my remote healing codings to you in a prioritized list.
The codings I list first are the ones that I feel are most important for you given the current state of the planet and also the people around you:
Solar Aura Coding, c132 - This coding helps you reconnect to the Wisdom of Life, the Cosmic DNA system, which is operative through the Solar Network. Our local physical sun is a magnetic gateway to the Central Sun of Creation which is where vast amounts of beauty and wisdom enter this physical plane. This coding helps you reconnect to our local physical sun and helps your body adjust to this great influx of energies. This coding brings you wisdom, physical health, clarity, joy, purpose, guidance, and a feeling of being reconnected to Life itself.
Light Child Support Coding (c123) - This coding helps parents of light children to understand their children better. The coding is primarily designed to help the light children be empowered to deal with life in this world effectively, be happy, and accomplish their soul missions. If you think you are a light child this coding is for you!
DNA Activation Coding (c115) - This coding helps you cultivate your intuition, your connection to the higher dimensions, your joy, your mental clarity, and your ability to be guided by your Highest Self in each decision that you make! The c115 coding gives you a special coding to have INFINITE strands of DNA. This activation helps your whole body to glow like the sun!
Energetic Protection (c111) - This coding helps strengthen your aura and your magnetic field and helps you maintain your energetic boundaries. This coding thus helps you maintain your truth and be who you want to be!
Liver-Healing/ Detoxification Coding (c127) - This coding is very useful for you even if you don't live in a city, as the current levels of pollution of our air, water, and food supplies are affecting your liver no matter where you live. This coding helps to reduce chronic fatigue and emotional imbalances that can arise from an over-burdened liver.
Mother Goddess Coding (c121) - This coding helps you heal your physical body, attune to the Mother energies, and make your body stronger. This coding helps you incarnate the Mother Goddess so you can assist your own bodily healing process and the healing process of the planet and your friends and family. This coding helps you beautify your body, and feel protected and nurtured.
Victory is Near
The beautiful world you came here to help create is very close to manifesting!
Please carry on with the mission and do what you love each day.
Please know how much support you have from the Angels and me!
Please actively envision the future you want for yourself and the planet and thus daily cast your vote in favor of the new social and political structures that are trying to establish themselves.
You have beautiful things to look forward to, and you are helping them to happen!
With every beautiful thought you think, you are drawing beauty into this world environment.
Victory to You Peter!
Testimonials About My Healing Services
Have you checked out my Testimonials page lately?
I update it frequently!
You can find out what other people are saying about my services.
Ever New Joy Testimonials
Body Activation Certification Course
Registered Body Activation Practitioner (RBAP) Certification
This is a three month course that I offer so you can add the RBAP certification and practices to your existing healing practice, or start a new healing practice!
Classes are done by phone once a week and I often have participants from around the world all in one class.
This course is about helping you to be who you want to be so you can do what you love and help yourself, others, the world, and beyond, all at the same time.
Here is a 20 minute video on the RBAP course
Telephone Sessions
I offer telephone session that usually vary in length from 1 hour to two hours. We can discuss whatever issues you are experiencing that you wish to heal! If you are simply wanting to evolve to your next greater expression, I can show you techniques you can practice daily to be more YOU! The techniques I show you for self-healing / self-evolution are simple, and we will practice them together during the phone session. To order a phone session please visit my order page.
Remote Healing Codings
What is a Remote Healing Coding?
Here is a video that explains how I do remote healing:
Video: How Remote Sessions Work
Below are some of the remote healing codings that I offer.
Keep in mind I can always do a custom remote healing session to address any issues you send to me by email or talk to me about on the phone.
Energetic Protection (c111) - This coding helps strengthen your aura and your magnetic field and helps you maintain your energetic boundaries. This coding thus helps you maintain your truth and be who you want to be!
Prime Creator Identity Restore (c112) - This coding helps you reconnect to your Highest Self, Prime Creator, and anchor the energies of your Soul-Self into your body. Thus you are enabled to perform your Soul's mission in this world. This coding helps you be true to yourself and do what you came to this world to do!
Emotional Healing (c113) - This coding helps with emotional healing of all kinds. This coding helps you release grief, clear dysfunctional relationships, establish new and wonderful relationships, release co-dependency and become emotionally self-sufficient, and much more. This coding stimulates the energy body / emotional body, your lungs (to release grief), and the womb/prostate organ (second chakra / orange chakra) to help you feel happy being here in this world.
Grief and Attachment Healing Coding (c114) - This coding helps release grief and attachments from your heart center, the emerald green chakra, which is your heart center. This results in you feeling light and happy and free like air! If you have issues with smoking, chronic crying, inability to cry, depression, or heaviness in your chest, this coding is for you!
DNA Activation Coding (c115) - This coding helps you cultivate your intuition, your connection to the higher dimensions, your joy, your mental clarity, and your ability to be guided by your Highest Self in each decision that you make! The c115 coding gives you a special coding to have INFINITE strands of DNA. This activation helps your whole body to glow like the sun!
Atomic Astralization Coding (Ascension Level 1, coding c118) - This coding helps you reconnect to your Higher Self in order to transmute your atoms to a higher rate of vibration. As your atoms raise in vibration, all the other levels of your body must also raise in vibration, since they are all made of atoms. Your whole body is made of atoms, so energizing the atoms means you energize your whole body! If you want to further your Ascension Process, I highly recommend this coding.
Material-Spiritual Integration Coding (c120) - This coding helps you integrate your physical body with your Highest Self, merging Above and Below. This coding helps to heal your physical thyroid gland and your immune system. This coding promotes a feeling of peace, centeredness, balance, and integrates your Infinite Power with your physical body.
Mother Goddess Coding (c121) - This coding helps you heal your physical body, attune to the Mother energies, and make your body stronger. This coding helps you incarnate the Mother Goddess so you can assist your own bodily healing process and the healing process of the planet and your friends and family. This coding helps you beautify your body, and feel protected and nurtured.
Light Child Support Coding (c123) - This coding helps parents of light children to understand their children better. The coding is primarily designed to help the light children be empowered to deal with life in this world effectively, be happy, and accomplish their soul missions. If you think you are a light child this coding is for you!
Grounding - Physical Body and Astral Body Connection Coding (c124) - This coding helps you to reconnect your physical body and your energy body. This coding helps you to feel grounded all the time so you are stable amidst planetary, social, economic, and personal life changes. This coding helps you to empower and beautify your physical body while also radiating enormous quantities of light into this world.
Self-Value Coding, See Yourself as Your Higher Self (c125) - This Coding helps you to see yourself as God and the Angels see you. Truly you are an infinitely Powerful Being, and this coding helps to recognize this. As you realize your own wonderful-ness, you restore your self-confidence, self-worth, self-image, and self-value. As you restore these things, you love yourself more and turn your life into the Paradise of fun that you always wanted your life to be.
Liver-Healing/ Detoxification Coding (c127) - This coding is very useful for you even if you don't live in a city, as the current levels of pollution of our air, water, and food supplies are affecting your liver no matter where you live. This coding helps to reduce chronic fatigue and emotional imbalances that can arise from an over-burdened liver.
Infinite Solutions Coding (c128) - This is a coding that enables your Higher Self to help you find solutions more quickly to whatever questions or life issues you are experiencing. This coding utilizes thought-technology that I have developed over many years to enable my body and Higher Self to help me find the solutions to situations in my life much faster, given how many things happen in my life that I need fast answers for! This coding is great if you know where you are going in life or are just beginning to find your way, as this coding is permanent and will help you to further yourself toward your goals no matter what you are doing in life.
Energetic Protection Level 2, c131 - This coding builds on the c111 coding! I have been testing the c131 coding and refining it for more than 2 years. This coding helps you to be who you want to be by creating a safe energetic/magnetic space around you so that you can do deep healing and connect to your Higher Self no matter where you are and no matter what is going on around you.
Solar Aura Coding, c132 - This coding helps you reconnect to the Wisdom of Life, the Cosmic DNA system, which is operative through the Solar Network. Our local physical sun is a magnetic gateway to the Central Sun of Creation which is where vast amounts of beauty and wisdom enter this physical plane. This coding helps you reconnect to our local physical sun and helps your body adjust to this great influx of energies. This coding brings you wisdom, physical health, clarity, joy, purpose, guidance, and a feeling of being reconnected to Life itself.
Energetic Protection Coding c111
How Remote Sessions Work
Welcome to the Golden Age: the age of the Brain
Human Light Technology Series
DNA Activation Video
How to Heal Yourself Video
Remote Sessions - I can assist your healing and evolutionary process whether you are at work, are with your family, or doing whatever else you want to be doing!
Telephone Sessions - We meet together by phone and I help you accelerate your healing and evolutionary journey! We can discuss any matters that you feel are important.
Email Counseling Sessions- With email counseling sessions I can answer your questions while also providing you with long distance healing energies.
This option is great if you only have a few questions or talking by phone is not an option for you.
I can assist you to heal anything from physical illness to emotional difficulties in relationships, to spiritual awakening, and anything else you want help with!
Visit www.evernewjoy.com for more info!
Nathan Iyer, PO Box 231, Stockton, NJ 08559, USA
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