What is your quality of life worth to you?

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What is your quality of life worth to you? Really think about it. What is it worth to be healthy, to be able to do what you want, to be pain-free, to look good, to enjoy sex?

This is one of those rhetorical questions, since there is no price you can put on your health. But we do. We tend to think we live in TV land where Dr. Marcus Welby can take care of us. (Heaven forbid Dr. House comes near us!) Instead of taking care of our bodies, we abuse them with alcohol, drugs, sugars, chemicals and nutritionally poor foods. If that weren’t enough, we also fail to exercise.

How much did you spend at Starbucks, Tim Hortons or MacDonald’s last year? How much did you spend on cigarettes? Yet you won’t invest in looking after yourself. I am always reminded of the cartoon of the old man in a wheelchair. He is slumped over, a birthday hat on his head and a piece of cake on his tray. The caption is: “If I knew I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself.”

Look let's be honest, life is full of choices, If I don't take proper care of my Automobile, Good Gas, Spark plugs, and clean air filter, the bottom line is it may work for a while before breaking down completely, but it will cost so much more to run and forget about the repair expenses.

You may or may not have been a supporter of the Oboma health care bill for what ever reason, But you do have to take care of your health. You need your body to last a life time. so check this link and get informed how good nutrition can increase vital life force energy and give you the mental edge to stay on top of your game.

I love E3 Live add to it BrainOn and you become a force to be re conned with.


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