Aphanizomenon flos-aquae | AFA blue green algae

The importance of protein and amino acids

All of the body's basic biochemical processes require energy to occur. It is from the ingestion of various food substances that the required amount of energy is obtained. The central part of the body's energy package that provides for the replication and repair of cells, organs and organ systems is protein. Next to water, protein is the most abundant substance in a healthy human body. It comprises a major portion of the blood and lymph and creates a natural immunity by giving the body a means of recognizing invading foreign cells and viruses. Proteins are made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks of the body. Proteins comprise 90% of the hemoglobin and form the backbone of the body's immune system. Aphanizomenon flos-aquae contains more protein than any other organism (plant or animal). There are 22 amino acids, 8 of which are essential and must be obtained from our foods. Without proper quantities of all the amino acids, health cannot be maintained. When improper amounts of amino acids are consumed, the less important body tissues are "cannibalized" causing premature aging and possible severe deficiencies, such as lack of motivation, loss of memory, low mental alertness, poor intellectual performance and depression. What is truly unique about the algae is that its amino acid profile is almost identical to that found in our body, making AFA blue-green algae one of nature's perfect foods

BlueBerry Majik Banana Ice Cream
with E3Live's Blue Majik

recipe by Michael Perrine
Detoxification Consultant, Certified Colon Hydrotherapist, Certified Holistic Health Counselor and the owner of Ashland Gravity Colonics and Vitality NYC

6 frozen bananas
1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries (if using frozen berries you may need a splash of water to help the blender)
1/2 vanilla bean or splash of extract
Pinch of Celtic Salt
2 packets of Blue Majik

  1. Add the berries, vanilla. salt and Blue Majik first and blend into a liquid.
  2. Add the frozen bananas and using the plunger blend into a smooth cream. (It’s gonna get loud)!
  3. Top with fresh berries and edible flowers.
Best eaten immediately.


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